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Tribute to Mike Morgan

February Program With Bob Harris & Paula Cornell

A Tribute to Mike Morgan will highlight our February program. Mike and Donna Morgan were in a severe vehicle accident November 26, 202 4, on their way to visit their children and families for Thanksgiving.
Mike, a 22-year Associate Member of our club, succumbed to injuries he sustained in the accident that occurred south of Reno. Donna, an active and a long-standing member of CRWF, suffered severe injuries and continues to be cared for in a healthcare facility in Reno. Please join us to not only honor Mike for his 22-year commitment to our Club, but to also to 38 years of public service and leadership as a member of the Camarillo City Council. Mike believed in serving his community and spent many years active in other nonprofit and church related organizations in Camarillo.
We are very proud to have the Directors from two of the Community Programs the CRWF Club supports, discuss their programs, highlight updates, and provide information on how our support helps their organizations continue to succeed
Bob Harris, Executive Director of the Gold Coast Veterans Foundation, will share an update on the success the organization is having in providing needed services to our most precious resource, our Veterans.
Paula Cornell, Founding Member of For the Troops, will share highlights on how FTT has substantially grown in volunteers and donors, who have distributed more than 250,000 packages year-round to American troops overseas who risk their lives everyday while far a wav from the comforts of home.

January Program With Bill Frank

Bill Frank is Chairman of the Ventura County Taxpayer Foundation, the information and educational
branch of the Ventura County Taxpayers Association (VTCA).
Established in 1954, the VC Taxpayers' Association is a non-partisan organization whose key
mission is to look out for the interests of all Ventura County Taxpayers.
VCTA informs taxpayers, promotes the wise use of public funds, opposes waste, advises public
officials of concerns of taxpayers & recommends positions that best serve the taxpayers.
Topics Mr. Frank will speak about include, but are not necessarily limited to:
The 2024 Election is over...
- What are the implications to property taxes of the propositions and measures that passed?
- The financial drain of the VC Medical System on taxpayers. Why the Board of Supervisors does nothing about it?
- What is next for the Taxpayer Protection Act (PA), now that the CA Supreme Court struck it from the 2024 ballot?
- How are our property taxes used in Camarillo?
- What are the tax implications on Camarillo of the Amazon warehouse in Oxnard.
- How are gasoline taxes actually used?