Contact Us

Dear Members,

We encourage you to share your political, social, economic, and security concerns about our lives in California with us. Whether it’s about legislation, bills, initiatives, or elections, your insights are invaluable. Please feel free to use the following email address to contact us:

Cynthia Pike, President:

P.O. Box 1021 - Camarillo, CA 93011

Your feedback helps us better understand the challenges we face and the issues that matter most to our community. By sharing your thoughts and suggestions, you can help us identify ways to improve our lives and ensure that our voices are heard by our government.

We are committed to representing your interests and advocating for positive changes. Your active participation is crucial in shaping policies that affect us all. Let us know what you think and how we can work together to create a better future for everyone in California.

Thank you for your engagement and dedication to our community.


Elena Mishkanian

Communications Director