Every year, Camarillo RWF organizes Christmas parade to engage residents with holiday spirits. Prominent members of the community make some time to announce their public efforts while running candidates find this momentum a perfect opportunity to increase voters among their constituents. New members join Camarillo RWF as their next steps to give back and to be more involved. It is a significant weekend for our volunteers who happily participate in this event to promote conservatism with Republican purposes. Friends and families stop by for short greetings, but easily get engaged in joyful discussion which is hard to ignore. New members find each other and exchange numbers for future hang outs. Christmas parade is one of CRWF's highlights of the year which we encourage you to mark in your calendar to attend and if you wish you may volunteer at our booth for an hour or two.
Contact: outreach@camarilloRWF.org Call: 888-747-9955 (ext.3)